Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Getting ready to leave Brighton

Salut vous !

"We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action." - Frank Tibolt

I have been asked a lot about "are you going to do a blog" and the answer is no...........i`m just playing with ya, of course and here it is!

I want to talk about preparing to leave a city where you have created a home. I did it with Hull, Edinburgh and now Brighton.

I have only known one or two people when I have arrived at a new place, and within a few months I have made friends and within a year, I have met people I can not imagine not having in my life:

Hull: Luke, Laure, Celine, Jerome, Cuddly (John), Sofie and many others
Grimsby: Laura Loo, Griz, Robo, Wendy, Jonna, Petra, Karu, Candy and (Skydiver) Dave, GY Aikido club
Edinburgh: Stph, Gus, Wendy, Amin, Karn, Andrew, Scott Bain, Paul, Jenny, Fee, Tara, Stevie, Sif, Sid and the Basement
Brighton: Tom, Taya, Greg, Engurrand, Becky, Mel, Liz, Lisa, Lidia, Nuria, Vinz, Alex, Guy, Macca, Karen, Sabine,

There are almost hundreds of other people I have not inluded but these people are just some of the ones who really touched my heart in many ways. People who have brought energy into my life that I will have for the rest of my life. In affect all these names spell C . A . R . L .

This is where the whole taking stock comes into play, for me its the people I have met in a place where I have made a home. Going out, seeing the sights, getting fooked etc etc one can do anywhere...but each of these special people are each one in 6.5 billion :)

So as I get ready to leave this place, I hope to spend even more amazing moments with the people i`ve connected with in Brighton.

"I feel like the most wealthy person in the world"

Thank you to everyone, I wish I could express that in more than just words.
